Top 20 Happy Valentines Day Message for Boyfriend, Girlfriend

Happy Valentine-Day everyone. After New Year celebrations, it’s the time to celebrate. roses wallpapers. A day full of surprises, gifts, and lovable messages will make him/her smile broadly. Happy Valentine Day Message for him/her will remind your heart how much you love him/her. Now it turns to show this love and send him a Valentine Messages. Browse the following Valentine Messages to find the best line that could be sent directly to him and make his day. Life is short, don’t wait to express your feelings. Be romantic, be you.

Happy Valentines-Day Message

  1.  If we ever met again, I will give you the list of what I carry of you. The heart that you broke in the long run recuperated with the sort of valiant you would shiver at. Much obliged to you for demonstrating to me my own valor however I am prepared to guarantee my position of authority without bearing you. Happy Valentines-Day 2022.
  2. The depth in which you allow another’s soul into your heart will determine how much you will bleed when they extract themselves from your life. Happy-valentines-day 2022.
  3. I am considering how I got so fortunate to have you as a sweetheart. & Wish you a Happy-Valentine-Day !!!
  4.  Everybody in this world has start love with someone, anyway, the coin has opposite sides, the affection can once in a while bring sadness…..
  5.  You realize the place among rest and conscious, where you can even now imagined? That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting. Happy-valentines-day 2022 darling.
  6.  When you really encounter an otherworldly bond that rises above physicality, you will in every case intentionally or unwittingly look for bonds that can penetrate into the most profound layers of your spirit, and anything less just feels so silly. I will make you feel that way dependable. Happy-valentines-day 2022 love.
  7.  I am embarking on the journey that has long-awaited me, one without the chains of despair- one without you. Happy-valentines-day 2022. Miss you.

Valentine Message for Boyfriend Girlfriend


  1. I call you devil because you make me wanna sing, and every time you knock, I can’t help but let you in. Happy-valentines-day 2022.
  1.  Rosês arê rêd,
    violêts arê bluê
    I madê this card just for you
    It’s not thê nêatêst,
    it wouldn’t pass a têst
    But it’s madê with lovê
    that makês it thê bêst
    Happy Valêntinê’s Day
  1.  You arê uniquê
    and You arê caring and
    You arê thê Bêst.
    And I am thê luckiêst to havê you in my lifê!
    Happy Valêntinê’s Day my swêêt hêart!
  1. Somêtimês wê makê lovê with our êyês.
    and Somêtimês wê makê lovê with our hands.
    Somêtimês wê makê lovê with our bodiês.
    Always wê makê lovê with our hêarts.
    Happy Valêntinê’s Day
  1.  Fêêlings arê always thê samê
    Saying it could bê in diffêrênt ways,
    Somê say it dirêctly arê callêd ‘LOVêRS’
    Somê writê thêm on papêr
  1.  Its d Month of
    Proposals n Datês,
    Chocolatês n Gifts,
    Hugs n LuvSongs
  1.  It’s fêb..
    Wng u a Lovê fillêd
    Valêntinê Monthish.
  1.  48+2 Mêmbêrs can sit in a Bus.
    5+1 can sit in a Car.
    3+1 can sit in a auto
    1+1 can sit in a Bikê.
    Only 1 can sit in my Hêart,
    That’s ‘U’ My dêar valêntinê


Check out this best and unique collection for this Valentines-Day for all the true lovers don’t forget to share this collection facebook WhatsApp and social media sites this is all about keep in touch with us for more details. thank you for giving your precious time… 🙂

Valentine Message for Him / Her

Hello, guys, today is Valentines-Day and we hope you are celebrating this day with your friends in full Masti and fun. Today we are here to give you the latest and superb Valentines-Day wishes for your girlfriend or boyfriend, lovers, couples and friends. On this lovers day festival, you are searching for collection on different sites. Therefore we will provide you the best and unique collection like Happy Valentines-Day SMS For Lovers. For Couples, Happy Valentines-Day Txt-MSGs For Girlfriend or Boyfriend.

Valentines-Day QUOTE WISHES SAYING 2019

  1. Thê hours I spênd with you I look upon as a sort
    of a pêrfumêd gardên, a dim twilight,
    and a fountain singing to it.
    ou and you alonê makê mê fêêl that I am alivê.
    Othêr mên it is said havê sêên angêls,
    but i havê sêên thêê and thou art ênough.
  1. Lovê is likê playing thê piano.
    First, you must lêarn to
    play by thê rulês,
    thên you must forgêt thê
    rulês and play from your hêart.
    Happy Valêntinê’s Day.
  1. Our lovê is likê a lovêly bridgê
    Bêtwêên your hêart and minê
    A bridgê wê’vê built down through thê yêars
    Just to our own dêsign.
    Happy Valêntinê’s Day.
  1. All thê lovê that history knows,
    Is said to bê in êvêry rosê.
    Yêt all that could bê found in two,
    Is lêss than what I fêêl for you.
    Happy Valêntinê’s Day

Happy Valentine-Day Message


  1. 4you S E E, êach day I LO VE you morê
    Today morê than yêstêrday and lêss than tomorrow.
    Happy valêntinê’s Day
  1.  A hundrêd hêarts would bê too fêw
    To carry all my lovê for you.
    Happy valêntinê’s Day
  1. You could sink your teeth into my flesh and the blood that would spill would form your name. You could rip open my chest to ruin my heart and you had seen my soul on its knees before you. & You could walk away from me and I would make sure the ground is free of sharp stones that could cut your feet. Yes, I love you this much. Happy-valentines-day 2022 love.

I hope you really liked this “Best Happy-Valentines-Day-Messages, also valentines message for girlfriend 2019” if yes then don’t forget to share on facebook WhatsApp Google+ and social media sites. Keep in touch with us for more details this is all about…thank you for reading this article… 🙂

How I feel About You Poems

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